Imperial College - Mathematics
Mathematics – 2015 (Oxford, Imperial College, Warwick, Bath)
For me, Mathematics is all about creativity, exploration and discovery. That's what makes it exciting and challenging. I was impressed by the lecture "Birth of a Theorem" given by the ...
Mathematics – 2019 (UCL, Warwick, Imperial College)
Mathematics has become a true passion for me over the years, generating increasing excitement as I experience its deepening complexity and gain insight into its endless possibilities that explain the ...
Mathematics – 2013 (Cambridge, Imperial College, UCL)
Maths can leave me feeling stupid, frustrated and pleased with myself at the same time. Frustrated from extended periods of getting nowhere, pleased when the crux move reveals itself, and ...
Mathematics – 2013 (Cambridge, Imperial College, Warwick, Durham, Bristol)
Nothing is more satisfying than working through a conceptually-challenging problem and solving it successfully. My favourite problems in Mathematics are those which have no apparent method in the first instance, ...
Mathematics – 2013 (Cambridge, Imperial College, UCL)
Maths can leave me feeling stupid, frustrated and pleased with myself at the same time. Frustrated from extended periods of getting nowhere, pleased when the crux move reveals itself, and ...