International Relations with Politics
Author: Annabelle Dieudonné
Applied in: Winter 2013
University Offers: Nottingham, Warwick, Exeter, Bath, King's College
The Democracy model, closest to our Occidental conception of it, emerged in Athens during the 5th Century BC. Indeed Athenians invented Politics as a concept tied to the people.The polis, with direct government by the citizens, enabled city-states to develop their individual and civic identities.Studying Ancient Greek, I am intrigued by the formation of these city-states, their power based on the domination of others, the way politics were influenced by speakers' personalities, and the Philosophy that explained it all.Furthermore personality driven politics remain a theme with world leaders Today.Through my enjoyment of History and Economics I have observed the establishment of nation states on a grander scale, and how political power is underpinned by economic strength.Yet, Globalization and the power of financial markets are superseding borders, creating supra-states such as the EU or other economic organisations, changing the emphasis of International Relations. Thus, the Politics and International Relations university degree encompasses all aspects of my French Economic & Social Baccalaureat that fascinate me.
An International Relations taster course at City University inspired me to deepen my knowledge of US foreign policy. The post-Cold War hegemony of the US, I believe, confirms Fukuyama's thesis in The End of History that liberal democracy is the end point of political evolution. In my view Pax Americana and multilateralism policy illustrate the US desire to export their model abroad, reflecting the world view of Bush Snr. Conversely, Huntington's prescient The Clash of Civilisation identified the emergence of opposing ethno-religious and economic blocs to the occidental democratic paradigm, enabling Bush Jr to justify the Iraq War as war of values, beginning a phase of uniliateralism in US global policy.This demonstrated to me how the personality of the leader, and such ethnic blocs can alter the course of international relations, and challenge existing theories.Moreover, I am interested that Chomsky's controversial anti-US imperialist Failed States propounds the limits of western liberal democracy as the global solution, a challenging contrast to Fukuyama's free-world triumphalism.Reading Chomsky also made me question the moral legitimacy of countries' actions and motivations. Subscribing to The Economist and Le Monde, articles have highlighted this issue.One on animal poaching in Africa raised the debate of legitimate interference as countries' conflicting interests fail to protect the earth's biodiversity; I realise that Politics and International Relations interact simultaneously with global and local issues.
At a local level, during work experience at the Haemophilia Society I attended a meeting in Parliament with the MP responsible for the funding of the charity, and learnt about the work of an MP.Furthermore, I managed a project, a summer camp for haemophilian children, which taught me responsibility, independence and communication skills; I hope to continue charity work at university.
Work experience in Jeffrey Green Russel Law Firm showed me the skill of analysis and argument.Committed to reading about International Relations & Politics I changed from Scientific to ES Baccalaureat, motivating myself to study Economics independently throughout the Summer.Work aside, I am a passionate dancer and pianist, attending weekly classes.Going to the Theatre, my love of drama took me to acting classes and also to the study of Theatre itself.
The correlation between historical, philosophical and socio-economic theories inform my understanding of political events and the multifaceted world of International Relations.